Saturday, April 29, 2006

Third Work Session

Today was Project Adnon's third work session. The event was relatively small, but productive. St Luke member Jere Pritchard, who helped train and advise Iraqi police, was present at the meeting. We sorted supplies gathered from RGMS. Next week, a box will be put out at Wilson Highschool, and collection at St Luke Church will officially start.

Photo Above: Jere Pritchard and Joey Coon help sort school supplies

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Second Work Session

Yesterday, members of the Islamic Center of Portland, Bilal Masjid, and St Luke Church met at Bilal Masjid for Project Adnon's 2nd work session. Together, we made 10 blankets.

We look forward to the next meeting, when we will begin sorting donations.

Monday, April 17, 2006

Scouts Out

Lt Rich Paetz of the Oregon National Guard is making a documentary about the experiences of his men in Iraq last year. Rich was the commanding officer of Joey Coon, an Oregon National Guard Veteran who has been a part of this project from the beginning. This documentary includes their experiences working with Iraqi children.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

One Last Photographer

I have received permission from another veteran to use photos for this project. The latest batch is from Martin "Gollum" Hill who served in in Iraq with the Royal Yeomanry (as did Colin Horne and Kev Belcher) . You can read about his experiences and view some of his photos here:

Due to the MASSIVE amout of photos currently authorized for use in Project Adnon, Martin will likely be our final photographer.

In other news, I'm happy to report that there seems to be a steady flow of donations. Robert Gray Middle School's bins are filling up nicely, and I'm told that the ICP has received donations as well.

Monday, April 10, 2006

Welcome Home!

I've just learned that SSgt Sean Horgan, one of our photographers, has returned home safely from his deployment to Iraq. Welcome home Sean!

Sunday, April 09, 2006

New Bin Location

Yesterday, a bin was delivered to the Islamic Center of Portland. They are very enthusiastic about participating in the project. More expect more updates on this very soon.

First Work Party

Yesterday, Project Adnon had it's first official work Party. Members from St Luke Church and Bilal Mosque met at the Shalom center at St Luke for the first meeting. In total, 5 people attended. We look forward to the next meeting

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Yet Another New Photographer

I've just received a permission from Kev Belcher to use photos of his deployment to Iraq in 2003. He's a friend of Colin Horne, our other British veteran, and is an avid photographer who has been taking photos since the age of 7. He is very enthusiastic about sharing his photos with the world, so that they can see Iraq as he saw it. He is our tenth photographer, our second contributor from the UK, and our third Kev.

His albums may be found here:

Project Adnon on OIC Website

Liz Wegman, the Managing Director of Operation Iraqi Children (OIC), has informed me that Project Adnon has been added to the OIC website. The profile can be found under Providers in the "OIC in Action" section of the site.

Monday, April 03, 2006

First Bins Out

The first collection bins for Project Adnon have been delivered to Robert Gray Middle School. A special thanks to the Principal, Willie Poinsette (Pictured above) for letting us work with Robert Gray. Also, a special thanks to Srta Rojas and Ms Berg for putting bins in their classroom, and to the librarian, Lynn Strathman, for putting a bin in the library.

New Photographer for Project Adnon

I have just received permission to use photos from another veteran, Cpl James McCauley of the USMC. Like many of the veterans contributing photos to the project, he kept a blog about his experiences in Iraq, and continues to update with his reflections and observations, as well as his post-war adventures

He is the 9th veteran to contribute photos to Project Adnon.

It should also be clarified that this is a grassroots effort comprised of many different people with many different views. Project Adnon has no political goal. The goal is purely Humanitarian.

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Project Adnon

We had some documents labled "Project Adnon" and others labled "Operation Adnon". We have decided to go with "Project Adnon"